Technological advances present new challenges
Ekspress Group’s development unit has consistently brought new innovative solutions to the market that provide added value particularly to readers. The long-term strategy of the Group foresees a strong growth in the share of digital business which presents greater challenges to technological innovation, internal processes, and to the skills and competences of its employees. The Group uses world-class technological equipment. During the last two years, the Group deployed technologies that are only beginning to enter the Estonian market. This has created a situation where there may be a shortage of employees in handling these technologies because the region does not have the necessary skills. Across the Group, this is an opportunity for the specialised training and professional development of highly skilled workers.
“Historically, the day-to-day processes of a media company have been structured differently than they are today. In the past, the outcome of media work was a paper edition, but now it must be a digital edition. At the same time, the web offers a lot more options, as it is no longer just text and images. It is now replaced by text, image, interactive graphics, photo gallery, video and audio clips. Overall, it will change the whole work process up to the point when people come to work or where they work. Content production is no longer linked to the working rhythm of paper media.”
Kaspar Hanni, Member of the Management Board of Ekspress Grupp
“It is important that people who visit our site and read the Group’s newspapers/magazines find something interesting for them, something they do not want to miss and are willing to pay for, because this reader’s support enables us to produce better and – with a special emphasis today – independent journalism.”
Martin Šmutov, Editor-in-Chief of Õhtuleht