Erle Laak Sepp
I started to work at Eesti Ekspressi Kirjastus AS in May 2002 when they were looking for a temporary employee for the summer period and as a senior at TalTech I saw an opportunity to combine professional work with practical training. I came to work here temporarily, but stayed permanently.
Today I am CFO of Ekspress Meedia AS and I am responsible for the financial area. During my long career, I have been in charge of several mergers (with Maaleht, Eesti Päevaleht, Delfi and last year magazines) and demergers (Hea Lugu OÜ), as well as been on the supervisory board of a subsidiary (Rahva Raamat AS). I have known all along that numbers are my passion and I should stick with them. I am not fond of routine work and I like challenges, and this company provides the latter. In addition I love my colleagues and the working environment.
I have witnessed different times and today we are at a stage where the digital business is becoming predominant and the paper business will support it for as long as there are paper newspapers and magazines. We need to keep pace with changing trends concerning reader habits to consume journalism. In addition, we need to constantly package it and provide it to each reader as best as possible and guide them to consume more of our products. We will be a successful digital journalism company with supporting ancillary services.
If you like challenges, you are most welcome here! 😊